Kamis, 26 Februari 2015


Assalamualikum wr.wb .

Saya akan memposting informasi menarik tentang UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA .

Universitas Brawijaya (biasa disingkat UNBRA, UNIBRAW atau singkatan resmi UB) merupakan lembaga pendidikan tinggi negeri di Indonesia yang berdiri pada tahun 1963 di Kota Malang melalui Ketetapan Menteri Pendidikan dan Ilmu Pengetahuan No. 1 tanggal 5 Januari 1963, kemudian disahkan oleh Keputusan Presiden no. 196 tahun 1963 yang kemudian tanggal 5 Januari ditetapkan sebagai hari lahir Universitas Brawijaya. 

Brief History of Universitas Brawijaya

The name Universitas Brawijaya (Brawijaya University) was granted by the President of the Republic of Indonesia through a wire no. 258/K/61 sent on July 11, 1961. This name is derived from the title of Kings of Majapahit, a great kingdom in Indonesia from 12th to 15th centuries.
UB transformed into a state university on January 5, 1963, following a Presidential Decree issued earlier in the same year. This date was later promulgated as UB's anniversary (specifically called Dies Natalies among Indonesian academic society members).
Previously, Universitas Brawijaya was publicly known with acronym of UNBRA and then UNIBRAW. On Universitas Brawijaya Senate meeting on March 17, 2008, UB was inaugurated as the official acronym of Universitas Brawijaya.
The Hymn of UB was composed by a student of the Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry called Yanardhana in 1963, while the Mars of UB was composed by Lilik Sugiarto in 1996. Both songs are still frequently sung up to this day.
UB campus is situated in the city of Malang, East Java, in a strategic location can easily be reached by public transportations. With trees growing in all corners of the campus and the cool air of Malang, UB indeed is a very fresh campus. As a city of education, Malang has been developing rapidly. This seems to be inseparable from the glory of East Java in the past.
Today, UB is one of the leading universities in Indonesia with more than 60,000 students in various degrees ranging from the Diploma Program, Bachelor's Degree Program, Master's Degree Program, Doctoral Degree Program, and Medical Specialist Program, in 12 Faculties, 2 faculty-level Programs, 1 Vocational Program,  and 1 Postgraduate Program.

Inilah setitik sejarah dari universitas brawijaya . :)

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